International Association of Caribbean Organizations

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Does IACO have a relationship with any government entities? If so, please identify such government entity or entities and describe such relationships. 

The International Association of Caribbean Organizations is a level 1 (highest) member of the City of Atlanta , Advisory Committee on International Relations. IACO assists ACIR to promote meaningful dialogue between  Atlanta’s elected officials and the international community.


What will IACO be doing to assist the non-profit charitable organizations within the United States and Internationally?  

We will be assisting US based and non-US based nonprofit charitable organizations operating in the Caribbean in collaboration with profit and/or non-profit organizations worldwide. In the event that the Caribbean country selected does not have a process to designate the non-profit status of an organization then we will work with organizations in that country that are assisting individuals at or below the poverty level.


What is the anticipated involvement with for-profit organizations?

Explanation of anticipated involvement:

The International Association of Caribbean Organizations’ involvement with any given for-profit corporation will be for the sole purpose of leveraging the resources of such corporation in support of the work of a charitable organization in the Caribbean . For example, if a need for technical assistance is identified in the charitable organization, the International Association of Caribbean Organizations may identify a corporation, preferably one with a presence in the Caribbean, with a loaned executive program and work with the corporation and the charitable organization to secure a loaned executive or technician to provide training or assistance for an agreed upon period of time.

Anticipated Terms of Agreement:  

In identifying corporate resources for charitable Caribbean organizations, the International Association of Caribbean Organizations’ role would be one of networking facilitator. Any terms of agreement would be between the Caribbean charity and the donating company.

Derived Benefits:  

Any derived benefits would be solely for the charitable organization in the Caribbean . The International Association of Caribbean Organizations’ role as facilitator would be provided pursuant to its voluntary purpose and not yield any substantial, material or in-kind benefits.



Please provide a detailed description of the specific activities to be conducted and assistance to be offered during Caribbean Service Day.  

Caribbean Service Day is IACO’s main fund raising activity. IACO will organize volunteers from the Caribbean community in cooperation with other volunteers to provide humanitarian assistance to the needy. The general community within the local area, in this case Atlanta , Georgia , USA will be the beneficiaries. Funds will be generated via donations.  

Examples of humanitarian assistance provided will be: Meal preparation and delivery for the needy; providing support services for homeless men and women; providing assistance for local foster children and their families; assistance in the recycling of donated furniture for homeless individuals transitioning into permanent housing; assisting in recycling surplus medical supplies and equipment for use by healthcare institutions in developing countries; assistance in providing tutoring for at-risk children and youth.


Research and advocacy is identified as one type of activity to be conducted by your organization. Please provide clarification regarding the types of issues and problems of the Caribbean communities that will be addressed as well as the types of “proactive solutions” that will be offered.  


Types of issues:

·         Poverty

·         Lack of marketable skills  

·         Juvenile delinquency 


Proactive solutions:

·         Business incubators  

·         Technical training via scholarships  

·         Adult and juvenile literacy classes via scholarships


Please provide clarification regarding the statement that “This assistance will be done by being the channel for the direct resource allocation from our own and other non-profit and governmental organizations in the economically developed societies…” In particular, please explain what is entailed in “being the channel for the direct resource allocation.”  

By “being the channel for the direct resource allocation” we mean we will directly raise funds and donate.


With respect to the assistance that your organization will provide in association with the establishment of business incubators, you have identified two activities. Such activities are 1) providing “expert training and advice to nonprofit and governmental organizations seeking to better serve the underprivileged individuals within the Caribbean community” and 2) conducting research to find possible purchasers of the products and services of the underprivileged individuals. Will your organization engage in any other activities on behalf of or in association with such business incubators? If so, please describe fully.  

Our organization will not engage in any other activities on behalf of or in association with such business incubators.


Please identify the content of the training, technical advice and assistance to be provided by or in association with your organization. Please also identify the qualifications of those persons who will provide such expert training, advice and technical assistance.  

We address this topic by providing funding for programs to established schools in the chosen country for the underprivileged individuals and the members of the organizations that serve them. IACO’s involvement will be limited to the funding of scholarship programs at the schools.


With respect to the distribution of funds to entities that are not exempt under Code section 501(c)(3), please confirm that your organization will retain control and discretion over the use of such funds were used for section 501(c)(3) purposes as discussed in Revenue Ruling 68-489.  

No funds will be distributed to any US entities that are not exempt under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Funds raised by the International Association of Caribbean Organizations will be distributed to charitable Caribbean organizations under the discretion and control of the International Association of Caribbean Organizations and its officers, with maintenance of written documents (e.g. letters, electronic mail, bank receipts, etc.) documenting the use of such funds for charitable purposes.